Great Southern CDs & IRAs
CDs & IRAs

Money-making money
Knowing your hard-earned money is working to grow itself every day is both exciting and assuring.
Great Southern Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) keep your money future-focused and secure. That means much peace of mind right now. Relax a little, earn a lot.
See? Isn’t that nice?
Great Southern CDs offer high earnings and peace of mind for security-conscious savers. With interest rates guaranteed over terms ranging from 10 days to 10 years, you have the liquidity you need and the control you want. For maximum flexibility and compounded earnings, all of our term accounts allow free automatic transfer of CD interest.
Curious about current rates? Give us a call to learn about our latest offerings, then apply online or at a location near you!
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Short Term1
- Terms Available: 10, 20 and 30 day
- Minimum to Open: $1000
With our short-term CDs, interest is paid at maturity and renewal is automatic, with a one-day grace period at the rate being offered on the date of maturity.
Long Term1
- Terms Available: Terms ranging from three months to ten years.
- Minimum to Open: $1000
With our long-term CDs, renewal is automatic and you have a ten-day grace period after maturity. Many interest payment options including monthly are available. Ask a Great Southern Associate for details. Interest may be paid by check, transferred to another Great Southern account or added to the balance of the CD in order to increase interest earnings in the next term.
- Term Available: 6 month
- Minimum to Open: $1000
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)2
Save tax dollars now, earn tax-deferred, compounding interest and build that nest egg. All Great Southern IRAs offer an attractive return plus the safety of FDIC protection. You can rest easy knowing your money will be there when you need it and you won’t have to pay any brokerage fees or commissions to open or maintain the account.
- Account Plans: Fixed rate
- Terms Available: Various terms
- Minimum to Open: $1000
A fixed rate is guaranteed for the entire term. IRAs may also be opened for any term certificate Great Southern offers, as long as the minimum opening balance is met.
Other Great Options
Other options available, such as SEPs, Roth & Education IRAs. Pension & profit-sharing plans can be rolled over into an IRA tax free for 60 days from distribution. You can also transfer, rollover or consolidate existing IRAs. Ask an associate for more information.
1 Penalty for early withdrawal. Many interest payment options are available. Ask an associate for details.
2 Tax and interest penalties for early withdrawal. Disbursements may be taken after age 59 ½, and must be started during the year in which you reach age 73. Many interest payment options are available. Ask an associate for details.